Above: Welcome to Alice
Stepping off the train in the middle of Australia you feel a blast of hot air as the brilliant sun beats down and coats you in its rays. And coming from the southern state of Victoria it was a welcome feeling.
Above: Alice Springs Station
The station was a hive of activity and you feel like you have stepped back in time - a simpler time before the advent of computers and electronic gadgets. Finding the shuttle bus, people loaded up with backpacks, suitcases, cameras and other holiday paraphernalia, we all squashed in together happily like a pack of sardines and were on our way.
Above: Todd River
We marvelled at the sight of the Todd River - dry as usual. The sparse dry bed with gums and trees around its edges.
The blast of hot air reminds me of every time we went to Darwin (we lived there for a while)...and the same blast of warm air would hit you when alighting from the plane.
Your comments bring back memories - while waiting for the shuttle bus at Darwin airport one June night, I could feel the heat, and felt very sorry for a lady dressed in knee high boots, woollen jumper with polo colour, thick skirt and carrying a coat. I said she must be feeling the heat to which she replied, "Oh no, it's lovely to be back and suck in all that humidity." She was a "local."
I understood after two days why planes arrived and departed Darwin in the middle of the night.
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